To achieve good results, product of Camera Axis tested and certified according to the relevant standards in the independent laboratory reputable. To enhance safety in the event of an error may occur during installation and operation of our
Eg non-standard cable connection, products are designed so that the power input with reverse polarity protection and I / O port with overcurrent protection. Each part of the system are critical to the performance of electromagnetic. Axis recommends that customers should use shielded cables if possible.
This is an optimal security camera with full frame rate, High Sensitivity, with sharp images are calibrated to proper observation during the day and night. With the installation Axis Security Camrea for your business is not a line of security camera vendor can match up.
Why choose IP cameras AXIS Communications?
Axis Communications has been present in Vietnam more 10 years and are increasingly grow. Market in Vietnam, Onetel with implementing partners a series of projects with security Monitoring Camera Axis BlueScope Steel as religious Factory, Ton Dong factory and a building as: 110kV substations and connecting – Central Power; Center Vietnam News Agency; Department of Defense ammunition warehouse, Building VNCC….
When it comes to Camera Axis Talk about technology is the key factor deciding Security monitoring system widely available in Vietnam market:
1. Wide dynamic range
WDR (Wide dynamic range)
Help camera obtained clear images in backlit situations (light intensity large variability, and too bright or too dark), eg when the camera window overlooking the brilliant sunlight. WDR usually has two CCD, it concurrently captures 2 photo light + Dark of the observation and grafted on to the frame, and will obtain a clear image.
2. Outstanding image quality in low light conditions
Great combination of image sensor chips and lenses that the company has researched, development for years. Special, in extreme low-light conditions, system has obtained color images. This time the support of infrared light is not necessary.
3. Super Noise Reduction
SNR (Super Noise Reduction)
When images are obtained in low light conditions, the particles often have more noise, This interference particles obtained image is harder look than dark. Technical SNR make the image clear and sharper by removing particles such interference.
4. Electronic shutter / number
Electronic Shutter
Feature that automatically changes the speed of light CCD, determine the amount of available light and adjust in situations too bright / dim lighting to produce the best image.
5. Backlight compensation function
BLC – HLC (Back Light Compensation – High Light Compensation)
BLC automatically increase detail in darker areas of the image as the source of light from objects behind it blurs observations; and HLC automatically increase detail in darker areas of the image when the light source in the middle of the camera and behind the observed object.
CEO: BLC can help you see better images.
6. Automatically compensate the image signal
AGC (Auto Gain Control)
In low light conditions below the minimum, AGC amplifier features video signal up to obtain images. AGC is one of the important features, especially for the purpose of using the camera for night surveillance.
7. Digital image stabilization
DIS (Digital Image Stabilization)
Reduce jerky camera movement caused by hand / shelving, by a shutter (device opened / closed to let light pass / not through the lens of the camera) operating at low speeds or when using long lenses without shelving.
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