Education TV solution
The current, applying HNTH in Education introduced the concept of Distance Learning, when students, lecturers and students worldwide can be exchanged easily, interact in real time.
The TV application solutions not only improve the quality of meetings, exchange of information, but also to the education sector to a new page with the significant strides.
HNTH Education Solutions will be customized in accordance with the actual needs of each specific case, different objects to help contribute to improving the quality of teaching and optimizing investment costs for human resources as well as infrastructure.
Benefits for global education model
Development of educational institutions
– Flexible time & school place
– Distance Learning
– Record the lecture content
– Cooperation in education

Bring economic value
– Expanding conditions visual learning experience without costly investment.
– Managed to cut costs and use of teachers.
– Students save costs & travel risks.
Optimization Manager
– Internal training and professional training and diverse place easier.
– Briefings online
– Enhance communication between departments & facilities management
Increase engagement with students and stakeholders
– Strengthening links between the school and the parents' association
– Promote community education aspect, increase interaction with experts in education