AXIS Q2901-E

AXIS Q2901-E

Trang chủ | Axis |AXIS Q2901-E

Wall mount-ready for remote temperature monitoring


  • Temperature alarm zones
  • Isothermal palettes
  • Spot temperature reading

Temperature detection

AXIS Q2901-E offers two kinds of alarms triggered by a deviation of the temperature: if the temperature goes above or below a set limit, or if the temperature increases too rapidly. The camera can detect the temperature of an object between -40 °C to 550 °C (-40 °F to 1022 °F).

Isothermal palettes

Isothermal imaging makes it possible to configure highlighted temperature-spans in the image. They help to define which temperature corresponds to which color. The Lower limit denotes the temperature where the colored part of the palette will start and all temperatures above this limit will stand out.

Spot temperature reading

This capability is used to view the temperature of a particular area of the image. The emissivity can also be adjusted (depending on the material characteristics) to get a more precise reading. Used as a visual aid for an operator.

AXIS Q2901-E is a bullet-style outdoor-ready model that is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions. It comes with a built-in heater for the window. The camera is further protected with shock detection, a capability that sends an alarm to personnel during attempted vandalism.

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    +84 903 05 1991